Vetenskapligt samtal – 2025 kick-off om Computational Social Science
Kom och delta i ett informellt men välinformerat vetenskapligt samtal om hur computational social science kan bidra till att lösa vetenskapliga problem. Med tanke på den explosionsartade utvecklingen av datatillgång, datorkapacitet och analysmetoder (inte minst AI-baserade) är behovet av samarbete över traditionella disciplingränser större än någonsin – särskilt för samhällsvetenskaperna.
Denna kick-off hålls på engelska. Se mer info här nedan samt en länk för registrering.
We invite you to be part of a scientific conversation. We have assembled a panel of interesting people from different fields of academia (see list below) where each one will be asked to present a research question of important social science relevance, with a clear connection to new approaches within the broad field of Computational Social Science. These questions are then discussed by the panelists, and the audience is invited to participate in the conversation. After some 5–10 minutes we continue with next question.
The venue will be followed by a mingle with snacks and drinks.
Hanna Bäck, Professor of Political Science
Marianne Gullberg, Director of LU Humanities Lab., Professor of Linguistics
Johannes Persson, Professor of Theoretical Philosophy, Dean Faculty of Humanities
Alexandros Sopasakis, Docent Mathematics
Henrik Thorén, PhD Theoretical Philosophy
Introduction and moderation
Robert Klemmensen, Professor of Political Science
Åsa Lundqvist, Professor of Sociology, Head of Social Science Methods Centre
Lennart Olsson, Professor of Geography at LUCSUS
You can no longer register for this event.
Welcome 29 January!
Robert Klemmensen
Lennart Olsson
Arrangeras av: Samhällsvetenskapligt metodcentrum
Om evenemanget
Pufendorfinstitutet, Biskopsgatan 3, Lund
In English
robert [dot] klemmensen [at] svet [dot] lu [dot] se