Research Seminar in Sociology of Law with Mateo Villamil-Valencia
The Sociology of Law Department arranges research seminars inviting local and international social scientists to present state-of-the-art research within various areas of law and society.
Whirlpools of Solidarity
Cohesion, Fragmentation, and the Struggle for Justice in Political Action
12 February 2025 | 13:15 to 15:00
Room M331, 3rd floor, Allhelgona Kyrkogata 18 (House M), Lund and online.
This seminar explores the dialectical dynamics of political contention and institutional response through the theoretical framework of the Whirlpool Theory (Villamil Valencia, 2024). Specifically, it looks into the interplay between centripetal (cohesive) and centrifugal (fragmenting) forces in the realm of contentious politics. The presentation will address some of the emotional, spatial, discursive, techno-social, and identity-driven dimensions of collective action in the context of social justice, resistance, and legal mobilization. Examining case studies from Egypt, Sweden, and Colombia, it will explore how the physical presence of bodies, the role of media and technology, and the emotional dispositions among protest participants and activists serve as driving factors in collective struggle. Central to this inquiry is the emergence of different constellations of such factors and how they bring individuals together around shared grievances, pushing for social, political, and legal transformations.
Mateo Villamil-Valencia holds a PhD in Anthropology and is a visiting researcher and lecturer at the Faculty of Culture and Society, Malmö University. He coordinates SIRMA (Studies in Resistance Malmö) and participates in the Global South Urbanism(s) Advanced Study Group, as well as the Artificial Intelligence Politics Hub.
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Room M331, 3rd floor, Allhelgona Kyrkogata 18 (House M), Lund and online.
ida [dot] nafstad [at] soclaw [dot] lu [dot] se