Child Rights Institute
- Change Projects from the International Training Programme - Child Rights, Classroom and School Management. Batch 19 (Leo, Ulf; Andersson, Lena; Flinck, Agneta W.; Nilsson, Lovisa; Rasmusson, Bodil & Wickenberg, Per, 2015)
- Change agents and Change of norms: international experiences on training in UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in Schools (Wickenberg, Per, & Leo, Ulf, 2014)
- Child Rights, Classroom and School Management: A Systematic Literature Review (Urinboyev, Rustamjon, Wickenberg, Per, & Leo, Ulf, 2016)
- Enforcing Child Rights Globally. Experiences and Reflections. (ed. Leo, Ulf; Alfredsson, Emma; Andersson, Lena; Flinck, Agneta W.; Rasmusson, Bodil & Wickenberg, Per, 2014)
- International Studies on Enactment of Children´s Rights in Education. 30 researchers from non-western countries. (ed. Wickenberg, Per; Rasmusson, Bodil & Leo, Ulf, 2019)
- Perspektiv på barnkonventionen: Forskning, teori och praktik. (red. Ponnert, Lina & Sonander, Anna, 2019)
- Realising Child Rights in Education : Experiences and Reflections from the International Training Programme on Child Rights, Classroom and School Management. (Rasmusson, Bodil; Andersson, Lena; Flinck, Agneta W.; Leo, Ulf & Wickenberg, Per, 2016)
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Child Rights Institute.