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Guides and support for students

At Sambib, we offer various forms of support and service for students.

Reading and writing support

Are you student with a reading disability – due to for example dyslexia, vision impairment or ADHD? If so, you can get help at the library with obtaining adapted course texts, such as talking books.

Talking books are produced by the Swedish Agency for Accessible Media, MTM, and registered in their catalogue, Legimus, where you can search for and download them.

Legimus, MTM’s catalogue in Swedish

If you use talking books, you also have the right to borrow course texts for four weeks instead of two. Talk to the contact person at the library in order to access this service.

At the library, there is a contact librarian for students with various disabilities. We recommend that you get in touch and schedule an appointment before your first visit.

E-mail: talbok [at] sambib [dot] lu [dot] se

Also take a look at our talking books guide:

Talking books guide

In order to access other support measures, please contact Learning Support. They can provide assistance with taking notes, mentoring and extended exam time.

Support for students with disabilities at Lund University

All computers at the library are equipped with the following support software:

  • Stava Rex  (spell check program, Swedish)
  • Spell Right (spell check program, English)
  • TorTalk (text-to-speech software)

The film has subtitles. Press the settings icon in the lower right corner and choose Undertexter/Captions > English

Library guides

The subject guides contain important links to both databases and free resources such as material about academic writing and research publication.

Reference management tools

Reference management is important for anyone writing an academic text. Through correct referencing, you recognize the author/s contribution to your understanding. You also give your reader the opportunity to reproduce your research by following the same cited texts. The reference list allows your reader to find your sources.

There are several software programs that can be used to facilitate reference management. For students at Lund University, EndNote is accessible via a campus licence, and we also recommend the freeware Zotero. The software programs function in slightly different ways and you can read more about them in our guide to Reference Management. If you want to install EndNote you can download it from the student portal.

Book a librarian

Are you having trouble finding relevant material? The quickest way of getting into contact with a librarian is to approach the information desk where you can get help right away. You can book an appointment with a librarian either by contacting your subject librarian via your subject guide or via the library email. You can also contact us via our booking form below.

Booking form

Book a computer

If you need to borrow a computer for a lesson in a course you are studying, you can book a computer using the form below.

Booking form

LUP Student Papers

Student theses from Lund University are published in full text in LUP Student Papers. Theses published in LUP Student Papers are also accessible via the national database Uppsök.

LUP Student Papers


What is required to upload my theses in LUP Student Papers?

  1. You must be registered or re-registered on the relevant theses course.
  2. You must have access to your student account.
  3. The theses must be in PDF format.
  4. It is important that you write the entire theses in a single file, i.e. title page, abstract, list of contents, text, reference list and any attachments are not to be divided into separate Word documents.

If you have problems with your username or password, contact LU ServiceDesk. If you have finished your studies and therefore do not have access to a student account, or if you have other questions, you are welcome to contact us for help.

Support LU ServiceDesk

Publishing your paper in LUP Student Papers

The author of the thesis is responsible for uploading the final version of the paper in LUP registration. The theses is then sent for review and subsequent publication. Detailed instructions on how to upload your theses or paper in the system are available in the video below, with English subtitles, and in the LUP Student Papers manual.

Current student paper types

Some of the most common student paper types are listed below.

Basic level

  • University Diploma
  • Bachelor Degree

Advanced level

  • Master's Degree (One Year)
  • Master's Degree (Two Years)