Present your research in the Research Portal / LUCRIS
On this page, you will find information about the Research Portal / LUCRIS and what you need to register in the system according to the Faculty of Social Sciences' minimum level.
LUCRIS is Lund University’s central research information system. It consists of a user interface, LUCRIS, for entering and managing information, and a public portal, the Research Portal.
See the faculty's information in the Research Portal
The faculty's minimum requirement for registration in LUCRIS
LUCRIS helps you to reach out with your research
Through the Research Portal, researcher colleagues, students, journalists and an interested general public can find your research. The portal can help to highlight and show interdisciplinary collaborations. You can show which collaborations you are involved in, what publications you have authored and other activities generated by your research.
LUCRIS is also used in the University’s and the faculties’ work on evaluations, planning and strategy. The information registered in LUCRIS can be highlighted in reports, which can form the basis for strategies and decisions.
LUCRIS provides an overview of how your projects relate to publications, activities and other relevant information entered into LUCRIS. Just make sure that you link them together!
Through LUCRIS, your public research results are exported to other systems such as SwePub and Google Scholar. You can create a link between LUCRIS and your ORCID to increase your international visibility as a researcher.
Research can also be highlighted on faculty websites through links to LUCRIS. The basic idea is that all research “lives” in LUCRIS, while our websites are windows looking in on it.
The minimum requirement for registration in LUCRIS at the Faculty of Social Sciences
All research active staff at the Faculty of Social Sciences are to register the following information and ensure it is kept up-to-date. (According to decision by the Faculty Board 2019-06-13)
The annual deadline for registration is 1 March.
Research profile
- Current popular science description of your research, in Swedish and English
- Profile photo, at least 600x600 px (1:1 Square)
- Subject classification according to the Swedish Higher Education Authority (maximum of three alternatives) to describe your research
Read more about personal profile on Staff pages
Research output
All publications are to be added in accordance with the current vice-chancellor’s decision and linked to the relevant project or activity:
- Articles (in academic journals or other publications/journals)
- Books
- Book chapters
- Conference publications (contributions to proceedings, abstracts on conference websites, posters etc.)
- Reports
Read more about how to enter research output in LUCRIS on Staff pages
Projects are those related to research, commissioned research, doctoral theses (“dissertations” in LUCRIS) or networks.
- Title (in Swedish and English)
- Short project description (in Swedish and English)
- Project participants and their roles in the project. The Project Manager (primary investigator, PI) is responsible for this. (For doctoral thesis projects the doctoral student registers as PI and enters the principal supervisor and supervisor)
- First year and intended final year
- Subject classification according to the Swedish Higher Education Authority
Go to Staff pages for more information about projects and how to create them in LUCRIS
The minimum requirement for registration in LUCRIS for organisations
Organisational units at the faculty that conduct research activities are to ensure that LUCAT features a description of the research in Swedish and English and an official translation of the unit name into English. This information is then exported to LUCRIS. Photos can be added in LUCRIS.
Social Sciences Faculty Library
Maja Carlson
+46 46 222 09 94
maja [dot] carlson [at] sambib [dot] lu [dot] se (maja[dot]carlson[at]sambib[dot]lu[dot]se)
Helena Stjernberg Tagesson
helena [dot] stjernberg_tagesson [at] sambib [dot] lu [dot] se (helena[dot]stjernberg_tagesson[at]sambib[dot]lu[dot]se)
Vera Vendler
Campus Helsingborg
+46 42 35 65 73
vera [dot] vendler [at] ch [dot] lu [dot] se (vera[dot]vendler[at]ch[dot]lu[dot]se)
Ann-Sofie Zettergren
+46 46 222 16 92
ann-sofie [dot] zettergren [at] sambib [dot] lu [dot] se (ann-sofie[dot]zettergren[at]sambib[dot]lu[dot]se)
Find more information, manuals for LUCRIS and support on Staff pages.